I'm posting after an extremely long hiatus. I've been wanting to share this essay for donkey's years but have just procrastinated.
I'm sharing a piece I wrote on the Relevance of the cross. This essay was written for the Abundant Life ministries essay competition in 2015 and won the 2nd prize and was published in their bulletin.
The essay is a reflection of my faith, belief, conviction and personal journey with Christ.
As someone who has endorsed the Free and Open Source and copyleft movements from my undergraduate days, I freely give permission to any group or individual to use my essay or parts of the essay for academic purposes, for nurturing people in Christ and any research
No part of my essay shall be published or used for monetary gain without my express permission.
I'm sharing a piece I wrote on the Relevance of the cross. This essay was written for the Abundant Life ministries essay competition in 2015 and won the 2nd prize and was published in their bulletin.
The essay is a reflection of my faith, belief, conviction and personal journey with Christ.
As someone who has endorsed the Free and Open Source and copyleft movements from my undergraduate days, I freely give permission to any group or individual to use my essay or parts of the essay for academic purposes, for nurturing people in Christ and any research
No part of my essay shall be published or used for monetary gain without my express permission.
of the biggest questions in front of the Christian Church the world
over is, “How do we fill up our Churches? Where have all the young
people gone, why are they not in Church?” After asking these
questions we wonder if Christ is really relevant to these kids, What
does the Cross mean to them and does the Resurrection of Christ mean
anything to them. I know that these questions bother me as a senior
member of a youth group of the parish and I have heard preachers both
lay and clergy who are immersed in the youth ministry, also ask
these questions
Resurrection of Christ is the very foundation of Christian faith. The
Apostle Paul in his First letter to the Corinthians deals with this,
If Christ did not rise from the dead, as St. Paul says in 1
Corinthians 15:14 “then our preaching is empty and your faith is in
vain”. St. Paul goes ahead and says in 1 Corinthians 15:19 “If
only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most
to be pitied.” If Christ didn’t rise from the dead then we might
as well as lock up our churches and I might as well as stop writing
this essay because there is no point, but since Christ has risen from
the dead and is very much alive, here and now as Paul clearly writes
in 1 Corinthians 15: 5 – 6, “and that he appeared to Cephas,
then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five
hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom
are still living, though some have fallen asleep.”
Resurrection of Christ is meaningless to speak about without talking
about the Cross.The entire experience of Christ at the Cross on
Calvary, the pain and suffering that Christ Jesus had to go through
for our sakes, that he who had done no wrong had to bear our sins on
the cross and pay the price and take up the punishment meant for
sinners like you and me in our stead. It is a very humbling
realization that God chose to send His only
Son with whom He had a perfect relationship with even before the
creation of the universe, before the current space-time continuum
existed to sacrifice Himself for a wretched being like me who doesn’t
even fulfill the purpose of his existence i.e. to have a relationship
with God. I personally believe that this realization and
understanding and its internalization and acceptance is the key to
understanding the Relevance of the Cross and the Resurrection. This
internalization is age-irrelevant, for some lucky people it happens
when they are young and they dedicate their lives in His service, for
some it happens on their deathbed. Some of us despite being born in
great and ancient Christian families that go back centuries never
realize this and internalize it because they have taken for granted
the salvation bringing truth that they have been hearing since their
childhood and sometimes a new convert of a few weeks manages to grasp
this divine and life altering truth and internalize it. I have come
to realize that the only thing that matters in realizing the
relevance of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ is the
sincerity with which the person seeks the Lord and not the century or
the cradle the person was born into. As Christ Himself said in
Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you
shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you." I have
come across both young people who have searched for the eternal truth
that Christ offers and have accepted it and made it the foundation on
which they have built their lives and yet another set of young people
who have been mulishly obstinate and refused to accept or are
indifferent to this eternal truth and try to explain it away using
science as a crutch or are too busy chasing after the world to notice
their need for Christ , but this is not a new observation or an
original one. The great 17th century French Mathematician, Physicist,
Philosopher and Theologian Blaise Pascal had the latter set in mind
when he said, "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of
every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by
God, the Creator, made known through Jesus."
entire journey to understand the relevance of the Cross and the
Resurrection of Christ starts with the acceptance of the fact that we
are sinners and have fallen short of the standards set by a Holy and
Just God and are unworthy to be in the presence of God, leave alone
having a relationship with Him as Adam and Eve had which is the
purpose of our creation and existence because of our sinful nature.
The realization that God who in His mercy, sent His only begotten Son
Jesus, whom He loved very dearly to pay the price for our sins that
we should have fallen upon us and the won victory over sin and death
who justifies us before His Father as the only means that the broken
relationship between us and God can be restored after we accept our
sinful nature. These truths are going to be relevant to humanity no
matter in which century they are born in or what culture they were
born into.
those of us who believe that the only way we can attain salvation is
through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ the Cross and the subsequent Resurrection of the Lord on the
3rd day and the knowledge that we worship a living God is of
paramount importance and gives us the strength to face the
uncertainties of what lies ahead. This has been beautifully put to
tune by the famous songwriter and musician couple, Bill and Gloria
Gaither in the chorus of their song Because He Lives. In the words
of the song,
He lives, I can face tomorrow,
He lives, all fear is gone;
I know He holds the future,
life is worth the living,
because He lives!”
Church will change and evolve as the Society in which the Church is
based in evolves and the methods of consuming God’s Holy Word will
change and the songs they sing will change but the truth of the
Cross and its message of a love and sacrifice so great and the
Resurrection of our Lord and His victory over sin and death will
continue to be the foundation on which the Church continues to grow
and on which the various people will be evangelized. As the Church
moves on from century to century, from where it is today as many
people call Church 2.0 to Church 3.0, Church 4.0 and Church
whatever.0 the Cross and Resurrection will still stand out and
inspire people with their message, convict and motivate people to do
things for the Lord and to move beyond their comfort zone.
to conclude, I would like to say that the Cross and the Resurrection
and the message behind them will be relevant in the next century and
even in the next millennium and even unto the day that Christ comes
again in glory to rule the world in righteousness and truth. The
Cross and Resurrection will be a central and key tenet of
Christianity unto the end of the ages, something so vital that
Christianity without it will be meaningless, something that will bear
much scrutiny but will stand up to it and prove itself true to
critical examination and will inspire many in the coming times to
declare Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
& Submitted by: Jebin Cherian
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